
The Top End Linguistic Circle (TELC) is an informal association of linguists and other language workers in the ‘Top End’ of the Northern Territory of Australia. It has held a couple of meetings or workshops almost every year since it began in the 1970s. Meetings are organised by local TELC members, often scheduled to enable visiting linguists to give presentations.

Visitors doing fieldwork in the Top End, or local NT linguists and language workers wanting to share, can contact the committee at topendlingcircle@gmail.com if they would like to present at TELC.

TELC is also on social media. You can find us at:


TELC Committee:

  • James Bednall
  • Steven Bird
  • Cris Edmonds-Wathen
  • Rebecca Green
  • David Nathan
  • Ailsa Purdon
  • Melanie Wilkinson